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Extremal axioms: logical, mathematical and cognitive aspects
National Science Centre research project 2015/17/B/HS1/02232 Extremal axioms: logical, mathematical and cognitive aspects will be conducted at the Department of Logic and Cognitive Sciene, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in the years 2016—2018. Principal investigator: Jerzy Pogonowski.
English summary
Extremal axioms: logical, mathematical and cognitive aspects (Summary in English)
A few notes related to the project:
- Famous mistakes in mathematics Applications of algebra in logic and computer science XX, Zakopane 2016.
- Mathematical therapy (for adults) Applications of logic to philosophy and the foundations of mathematics XX, Szklarska Poręba 2015.
- Paradox resolution as a didactic tool Mathematical transgressions II, Cracow 2015.
- Odyssey of the mathematical mind Applications of algebra in logic and computer science XIX, Zakopane 2015.
- Standard, exception, pathology. Unpublished.
- Remarks on intended models of mathematical theories Published in: Lingua Posnaniensis LIII (2), 2011.
- Inexpressible longing for the intended model Meeting of the Group of Logic, Language and Information, Opole 2010.