Site programming by Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt

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  • Influence of accurate compound noun splitting on bilingual vocabulary extraction in Text Resources and Lexical Knowledge. Text, Translation, Computational Processing [TTCP] 8. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 91-105 pp.
  • Wielki słownik polsko-niemiecki Warszawa: PWN.


  • Using a Treebank Grammar for the Syntactical Annotation of German Lexical Phrases (main author, together with Filip Graliński). Proceedings of 3rd Language and Technology Conference, Poznań 2007


  • Model skończenie stanowy niemieckich wyrazów pojedynczo i wielokrotnie złożonych (A finite-state model of German compounds). Investigationes Linguisticae nr 14 (wydanie elektroniczne na, Poznań 2006.