Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt - Curriculum Vitae
From Department of Applied Logic
CV | Research | Publications | Texts on line
Born: August 21, 1980.
M.A.: German Philology, 2005, Kazimierz Wielki University, A finite-state model of simple and complex compounded nouns, Supervisor: prof. Marek Cieszkowski.
Bachelor of Engineering: Computer Science, 2004, The College of Computer Science in Łódz, A parser for German compounded nouns.
Mathematics: two years of studies at the Kazimierz Wielki University; Continuation of studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Adam Mickiewicz University.
Additional occupational activites: Web-programming, PHP and MySQL applications, translations (Polish-German, Polish-English and conversly).
Editorial activites: Since the beginning of 2006, I am responsible for the webpage of the scientific WWW-journal Investigationes Linguisticae.
Position: PhD student, Department of Applied Logic, Institute of Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University.
Classes: Practical knowledge of the German language, Introduction to Computer Sciences, Computational Tools for Linguists
Current research interest: computational lingusitics, especially the processing and autmatic translation of complex lexical units like compound words, phrases and idioms. Computer aided methods in modern lexicography.