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From Zakład Logiki Stosowanej

1. The Structure of Communicative Actions in Formal Pragmatics of J. Habermas Sławomir Sikora

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Source: Investigationes Linguisticae, Volume IX, 2003 Category: Full Papers

Language: Polish

English Abstract: This paper gives an analysis of some basic concepts and categories in formal pragmatic of J. Habermas. His theory allows to parameterise the pragmatic analyses and base them on the assumption of the speaker’s rationalism which refers in turn to the question of the truth of utterances, their sincerity and the legitimacy of norms and regulations accepted by language users in inter-subjectively divided worlds.

BibTeX Entry: @article{ slawomir_sikora_inve9,

	author	=	"Sławomir Sikora",
	title	=	"The Structure of Communicative Actions in Formal Pragmatics of J. Habermas", 
	journal	=	"Investigationes Linguisticae",
	volume	=	"9",
	year	=	"2003",
	url	=	"

Dialog o białym koniu (Bai Ma Lun) - metodologiczne problemy badań porównawczych logiki chińskiej i zachodniej

2. The White Horse Dialogue - the methodological problems of the comparative research of Sławomir Sikora (Department of Applied Logic, Adam Mickiewicz University)

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Source: Investigationes Linguisticae, Volume XIV, 2006, pp. 97-110 Category: Full Papers

Language: Polish

English Abstract: In the paper I am dealing with issues of comparative methodology in the scope of Chinese and Western logic. To exemplify the problem I chose interpretation of The White Horse Dialogue by three different sinologists. The results of the analysis carried out permits us to state that in the case of the comparative research on Chinese logic, it is rather the choice of the research method which determines the object of the examination, rather than the other way round.

BibTeX Entry: @article{ sikora_inve14,

	author	=	"Sławomir Sikora",
	title	=	"Dialog o białym koniu (Bai Ma Lun) - metodologiczne problemy badań porównawczych logiki chińskiej i zachodniej", 
	journal	=	"Investigationes Linguisticae",
	volume	=	"14",
	pages	=	"97--110",
	year	=	"2006",
	url	=	"