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Sławomir Sikora - Lista publikacji

From Zakład Logiki Stosowanej

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1. Struktura działąń komunikacyjnych w koncepcji pragmatyki formalnej J. Habermasa. The Structure of Communicative Actions in Formal Pragmatics of J. Habermas

Investigationes Linguisticae, Volume IX, 2003 Category: Full Papers

English Abstract: This paper gives an analysis of some basic concepts and categories in formal pragmatic of J. Habermas. His theory allows to parameterise the pragmatic analyses and base them on the assumption of the speaker’s rationalism which refers in turn to the question of the truth of utterances, their sincerity and the legitimacy of norms and regulations accepted by language users in inter-subjectively divided worlds.

2. Dialog o białym koniu (Bai Ma Lun) - metodologiczne problemy badań porównawczych logiki chińskiej i zachodniej

     The White Horse Dialogue - the methodological problems of the comparative research of 
     Sławomir Sikora (Department of Applied Logic, Adam Mickiewicz University)

Investigationes Linguisticae, Volume XIV, 2006, pp. 97-110 Category: Full Papers

English Abstract: In the paper I am dealing with issues of comparative methodology in the scope of Chinese and Western logic. To exemplify the problem I chose interpretation of The White Horse Dialogue by three different sinologists. The results of the analysis carried out permits us to state that in the case of the comparative research on Chinese logic, it is rather the choice of the research method which determines the object of the examination, rather than the other way round.

3. Metody budowy pojęcia zbioru w problemie interpretacji tez Hui Shi

    Methods of building of set concept in interpretation problem of Hui Shi’s thesis
    Investigationes Linguisticae, Volume XXII, 2010, pp. 115-138
    Category: Full Papers

English Abstract:

The article presents an alternative conception of the problem of interpretation of the shortest and also most enigmatical text of Chinese philosophy, i.e. the ten theses of Hui Shi. Leśniewski claimed that the source of Russell’s dif-ficulties with antinomies is related to a lack of dis-tinction between a distributive and a collective class. Mereology is the logic of a certain concrete whole constituted by the parthood relations of a collective class. The use of Leśniewski’s formal solutions in the analysis of thesis (8) of Shi Hui: Linked rings can be disconnected, shows that in Chinese philosophical discourse two kinds of set theory were applied: distributive and collective. This is confirmed by thesis (5): When it is said that things greatly alike are different from things a lit-tle alike, this is what is called making little of agreements and differences; (when it is said that) all things are entirely alike or entirely different, this is what is called making much of agreements and differences. Therefore the hypothesis seems plausible that the paradox of Hui Shi’s theses was the result of a dual-istic formulation of the world order: on the one hand by the distributive order of distinguishing things by their names, on the other by the collective order of embracing all things within the frame of a common Universe.

4.  Logika Dignāgi – problemy interpretacji
    Dignāga’s Logic –problems of interpretation
Investigationes Linguisticae, Volume XXV, 2012, pp. 127-156
Category: Full Papers

English Abstract:

"In the article an example of logic and epistemology of the Buddhist philosopher Dignaga indicates some limitations of both standard logic languages and adequacy of basic epistemological concepts: meaning and truth. Contrary to the methodological lines suggested by Łukasiewicz and Schayer, the structure of inference schema anumāna is not determined by truth-functional operator between sentences. Semantic inference structure is determined by generic name, relation qualifications on the basis of distributive or collective class. The Buddhist inference can not be reflected by the relationship between a cause and an effect. The recognition of the thesis is the result of applying the operation to the exclusion (apoha) of other meanings for the hetu premise. At the level of syntax, the cognitive act of agreement with the thesis of inference (based on the exclusion of other meanings for the hetu) is expressed with the ablative case (separation) by the suffix “-at”. "